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Autoimmune Disease, 10 things Everyone Should Know
As a doctor that has spent the majority of my time in the past two decades working with, listening to, and treating patients that have been suffering with chronic, autoimmune illnesses, I have noticed several correlations between the ……………………..
Mold, Understanding The Biotoxin Pathway
Just what does mold do? How is it possibly affecting so many organs/systems in my body? Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker, who many call the Father of Mold Medicine, who is one of Dr. Carlson’s key leading physicians he has built his own method from, has done a fantastic job outlining just exactly what toxic mold can…
15 Great Ways to Decrease Inflammation for Optimal Health
Increase omega threes and decrease omega sixes. Omega threes make all cells, including those lining the blood vessels, more flexible. Also, when cells die, and their cell walls are processed, the omega threes break down into anti-inflammatory chemicals (prostaglandins), whereas omega sixes break down into inflammatory prostaglandins. Omega threes come from fish and wild game…
10 Great Suggestions for Decreasing Toxicity and Harmful Exposures
At Restore Health Today we see patients every day suffering with all sorts of chronic and autoimmune illnesses and symptoms. Many of these can be caused by or contributed to by toxic exposure to many harmful things in our environment on a daily and even hourly basis. While we are able to help every patient…
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD or CRPS), A Migraine Equivalent, and Related Problems; The Diode Hypothesis, and How to Overcome
Dr. Carlson and his staff at Restore Health Today are experienced in treating and helping patients with RSD/CRPS. At any point through this article, should you decide that you would like a free to see whether or not you are a candidate for their treatment, simply call (801) 228-1906 and we will gladly set that…
How I took my life back from Neuropathy
Hk. My name is Scott. Dr. Carlson is my Father and Primary Doctor and I am so thankful for both of those relationships, as without them, I would not be around for my wife snd children today. In January of 2018….neuropathy…