Nerve Rebuilder

Effective in 94% of People Treated, Helping Countless People Enjoy Life Again.

The Real Deal

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People Find Pain Relief

Rebuilder Medical conducted a study on the safety and efficacy of the Nerve Rebuilder system on 551 subjects that all suffered with Nerve Pain. 

Fully 94% reported success!

Get this: No Side Effects. That’s incredible!

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Diabetics with Neuropathy

Currently there are over 420 million people in the world with Diabetes and nearly HALF of them develop neuropathy. 

The epidemic continues to wreak havoc on so many wonderful people. 

Now we have a tool to fight back!

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Indicated for:  Chronic Unmanageable Pain, Post Traumatic Pain, Post Surgical Pain, Increases Blood Circulation, Preventing or Slowing Muscle Atrophy, Increased Range of Motion, Relaxation of Muscle Spasms, Muscle Re-education, Increasing Muscle Mass, Post-Surgical Prevention of Blood Clots in Veins.

Sure, We're known for helping with Neuropathic Pain, but what else can we do?

Check out this Before and After Study from Rebuilder Medical! Look how much better circulation this patient has! Incredible, Right? This is Huge! Neuropathy is a Symptom, and improving blood flow is just one major thing that we do at Restore Health Today, and the Nerve Rebuilder is an amazing part of our even more amazing Neuropathy Treatment Program.

Pain, Burning, Tingling, Agonizing Numbness in your Hands and Feet have taken away too much of what is important in Your Life.

The Nerve Rebuilder, especially when directed by a Qualified Professional, has been a game changer with regards to Pain. Think about it. over 94% of Patients found effective Pain Relief, but the Nerve Rebuilder does so much more.

How does it work? Rebuilder Medical States the Following:

“How is ReBuilder® different from a common TENS Unit? ReBuilder® is a highly specialized TENS Unit. It has a built-in microprocessor that automatically measures several physiological functions of the nerves.

Beginning with the first healing signal, ReBuilder® uses a patented waveform that automatically adjusts itself to the individual patient’s needs. A common TENS Unit uses a square waveform that delivers the same square waveform to everyone. What this means is, ReBuilder® delivers a wave of current that forms itself to the exact form needed to balance out the deficit to the damaged nerve. It gently delivers its “compensatory” wave that frees the nerve from the inflammation by letting blood and vital minerals reach it, thus helping it to heal. ReBuilder® brings relief, and over time, using ReBuilder® nerves can heal completely. A TENS Units square waveform delivers relief. However, this square waveform can permanently damage nerves. The square waveform of a common TENS Unit is like beating something into submission because it harshly hammers the nerves. ReBuilder® gently and carefully treats nerves.”


Dr. Carlson is a Certified Functional Medicine Medical Doctor with Specific Training with the Nerve Rebuilder and other Neuropathy Treatment

Nonexclusive List of Dr. Carlson’s Trainings, Certifications, Experience:

Oxygenation Therapies, with Dr. Robert Rowen; Prolozone/Ozone THerapies with Dr. Shellenberger; Bioidentical Hormones, with Worldlink, A4M; Autism all courses necessary for certification, MAPS; Chelation, IV Nutrition, ACAM Certified; Amino Acid Therapy with Julia Ross; Experience and Education in treating Mold, Lyme; IV NAD with BR+MD Consultants; Oxygenation/UVO3 Training, SOPMED, Dementia, Bredeson’s Protocol; FSM training by Dr. Carolyn McMakin, Erchonia Cold Laser Course; 

Dr. Carlson’s experience and training in Emergency Medicine, Family Practice, and urgent care have also shaped his ability to listen to the patient, give proper diagnosis and offer effective treatment.


See what the Nerve Rebuilder can do for You.